If your credit history is not good and need cash than bad credit payday loans will be perfect. As the name suggests, bad credit payday loans are advanced to people having bad credit history. Instant source of cash is called bad credit payday loans. Bad credit payday loans can be availed by people suffering from bad credit due to arrears, defaults, bankruptcy, late payments etc. Bad credit payday loans are one type of unsecured loans. With bad credit payday loans, there is no requirement of placing the collateral or faxing the documents. Cash from $50 up to $1500 will be in your account by only fill up an online application form. There is no credit check. Bad credit payday loans are short-term loans and can be availed for a period of 5 to 15 days. Interest rates of bad credit payday loans are higher than other type of loans because lenders or bad credit payday loans companies do not have any security for their money as collateral. Bad credit payday loans UK carry high rate of interest because lenders.